I am the founder of a successful formulation laboratories and productive startups that focuses on developing new chemical solutions for various industrial sectors, including paints, adhesives, and rubbers. I believe that my skills and experience can be of great value to your company, and I would like to propose my consultancy services to help you achieve your growth and innovation goals.

I have extensive knowledge of the technologies and chemical processes used in the production of paints, adhesives, and rubbers, gained through years of study and research in the field of applied chemistry. Additionally, I have experience in managing product development projects, from ideation to production, through collaboration with suppliers and strategic partners.

I can provide you with comprehensive consultancy services, starting from the evaluation of your specific needs, and then moving to the design and development of customized chemical solutions, to production and post-sales support.

In particular, I can offer you the following skills:

  • Research and development of new chemical solutions for customized paints, adhesives, and rubbers to meet your specific needs
  • Study of the chemical formulation of your existing products to identify possible improvements or innovations
  • Evaluation of the performance of your products compared to the competition and identification of any gaps
  • Collaboration with your suppliers and strategic partners to improve the quality of your products and reduce production costs
  • Support in defining marketing and communication strategies to increase visibility and market presence

I am convinced that my skills and experience can significantly contribute to the growth and development of your company. If you are interested in learning more, I would be happy to discuss your specific needs and provide you with a detailed proposal based on your requirements and objectives.